Experts of XTBG comes to the college of life science to carry out academic exchanges-School of Life Sciences
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Experts of XTBG comes to the college of life science to carry out academic exchanges

Counts: 2017-09-14 00:00:00 Origin: School of Life Sciences



On September 14th, XTBG two researchers, Zhekun Zhou and Jiaolin Zhang, along with Tao Su, an associate research came to the college of life science in Sichuan Agriculture University to carry out academic exchanges. Professor Huailiang Xu, an associate dean of the college, hold the meeting.

Researchers Zhekun Zhou and Jiaolin Zhang made reports entitled ‘A story comes from the Tibet-Plateau’ and ‘Comparative study on morphological and anatomical characteristics between Woody Vines and host trees’, respectively. Based on the formation of Tibet-Plateau, researcher Zhou shared fossil’s distribution and explained its contributions to paleontology research by discovering the ‘rabbit fruit’ fossil and comparing to Americas and Europe similar fossils. On the other hand, researcher Zhang started his report from the following aspects: the knowledge of wooden rattan wood, the climbing mechanism, water transmission and tree differences. He introduced the growth and distribution of wooden rattan wood, etc., through a large number of own shooting pictures. Their excellent reports provide new way of thinking about how to start research for the participants in the relevant research areas.

Experts present introduced their own research topics, direction and achievements, at the same time, actively communicated with the participants, and expressed their praise to the question level of the college students.

Experts Introduction

Zhekun Zhou: researcher, doctoral supervisor, vice president of Paleontology Society of PSC, editor of 《Plant Diversity》. He mainly engages in the research of modern botany and paleontology, and carries out deep researches on the distribution of angiosperm, the evolution of some important groups, and so on, which outputs published more than 150 SCI articles including 《Science》, and published over 10 monographs.

Jiaolin Zhang: researcher, doctoral supervisor, deputy director of tropical forest ecological key laboratory at CAS, station agent of Yuan Jiang Hot Valley ecological station at XTBG. He mainly works on the research about ecological adaption of plants, the diversity of wood vines and the relationship between its maintaining mechanism and water. He has published over 50 academic papers on 《Journal of Ecology》, 《New Phytologist》,《Tree Physiology》, etc.


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